Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tell an engaging story about your business plan product/service.

Well, by profession I'm a thermal design/applications engineer in NH and my company specializes in producing thermal management solutions that lead to production orders that we have made in factories overseas. Our markup is on a per-part basis and the engineering service is included. So, I'm used to working on new projects every week and if I have all the modeling information, I can have a quick turn around to our clients. While working on the designs for this GoveGreen Project, I get a model from a company in California (I will NOT name) trying to use solar concentrators to heat a fluid and power photovoltaic. My thought was holy cow! all done they beat us. Well truth be told after my work for this company, their design was so radically different that they neglect the very premise of our patent plans, heat reduction to boost efficiency of the panel. I also suspect they rely on tons of subsidies, where as GoveGreen is potentially starting out with family funds (Not my family) to develop a solar utility in southern mass on private property and use that as a launch pad for the heat exchanger technology. Exciting!!

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